How To Exercise With a Baby for Busy Mums

How To Exercise With a Baby for Busy Mums

Posted by Jen Lang on May 24, 2019

It is no secret that becoming a Mum can turn everything upside down. The things that we made time for before suddenly seem so much more of a struggle. We prioritise our baby and our babies needs which often means we are lucky to treat ourselves to a solid three meals a day let alone finding the time to exercise.

Exercise is Important for Mental Health Too!

Exercise is just as essential as making time for meals, not only for your physical fitness, but for your mental health as well. It can make the difference between feeling as though you're drowning, and feeling as though you're managing day to day. However, we know that as a new mum there is SO MUCH going on that it is easy to let your own health slip off your to do list. 

How New Mums Fit In Workouts With Newborn

We chatted to the new mums in our community to find out how they exercise with a new baby, and how they fit in workouts around a newborn (even when they're tired and overwhelmed). 

The key is finding an amount that is manageable for you. Everyone is different and what someone else can manage may not be what works for you. It is overwhelming if you're looking at getting to the gym 5 times a week, or trying to fit in a weights session every day as you may have done pre-kids. As a new mum your expectations need to change, and you need to accept that even 10 minutes a day of walking outside can be a big win and makes a difference. 

Tips for exercising from Milk & Love Mums:

1. Start with 10 minutes a day

"Just starting with 10 minutes a day even if it is in your PJ’s makes a difference. Then gradually building from there. You would also be surprised how kids, babies & toddlers love to watch you!" - Dahlas Fletcher Mum of 3 and Personal Trainer at  Body Fabulous

2. Choose Walking Instead of Driving for a Healthy Family

"I often have great intentions when it comes to exercise. Over the years since becoming a Mum I have tried lots of different ways to keep fit and healthy. I have done high intensity boot camp training which was fabulous but in reality, since having my third child and juggling work and school commitments it is harder for me to manage slipping away for boot camp and having someone look after my kids for me. 

For this period of my life I make a point of walking instead of driving where I can. I am often practically running my kids to school or speed walking to pick up them up after I finish work. This keeps me active. It costs nothing but is so rewarding. I push my pram up the hills of Paddington and at night I feel good to know that I have moved my body all day long. 

It is amazing what a difference it can make if you decide you are not going to drive anywhere that is within walking distance. I feel like this is a great start for a new Mum. Those early days when you want to get out it's so nice to take the baby out in the pram or carrier. 

I have also noticed a benefit to my kids. We often get to have great chats that we don't get when travelling in the car. We also see things that we may not notice otherwise which means we can stop and chat about a particular thing we've noticed. When travelling in a car you may spot something of interest and before you know it you've driven straight past." Jen from Milk & Love

3. Try Exercise Classes With Baby And Toddler For More Intense Workouts

"Hi! I’m Ruby! I'm 26 years old and from Gippsland Victoria. I have two daughters, Eadie who just turned two last week and Dottie who is 3 months old. After I had Eadie I wanted to get back into exercise, so I looked around for some local gym classes for Mums and Bubs.

I found a couple that involved your babies, using them as weights and bonding with them while working out. I really enjoyed them, but also found that they didn’t challenge me enough. If I’m working out I like to really get something out of it.

My aunty invited me to a high intensity class that she did, where you were able to take your kids with you. I absolutely loved the trainer, she taught me so much and I really started to notice results with my training. I ended up going every morning-it become part of our daily routine, then we’d head to the shops, coffee and play dates or swimming lessons, story time etc. afterwards.

I’ve recently just started back again now. I love the fact that the girls are with me, I don’t think I’d be ready to put Dottie into care at a gym just yet. I also love that Eadie watches me from the sideline and also joins in and copies what I do.

Just the other day I couldn’t make the gym so Youtube’d a dance exercise routine and did it in the lounge room and Eadie absolutely LOVED it! She was jumping up and down yelling ‘again, again’ as I’m sitting down on the couch exhausted afterwards haha!"  Ruby from @tinytonkintales

Ruby from @tinytonkintales

Ruby @tinytonkintales before having the gorgeous Dottie in our Cadenshae Workout Tee and Leggings

4. Start With One Thing and Build From There

''I was finding it hard to get back to the gym (a mix of time, hubby working away 12 weeks at a time, anxiety because it’s just a kids room, not a proper crèche etc). So we bought a multi-station weights gym for at home to fit in whenever I could.

I now do 6 days a week insanity workout at home and try to fit in some weights, but I'm Going to try to work in some actual gym time each week around when my eldest can come with me to help with Bub. I will probably start with once or twice a week and build up, while keeping up with insanity as well, and if not I’ve still got the multi-station at home.

My advice is start with one thing and build from there. You really need to commit though and motivate yourself. Even if it’s a half hour walk every other day. Maybe even set yourself goals/ treats to work towards (my treats aren’t food related,it could be a pedicure or new gym gear or an outfit etc)'' - Nicole, Milk & Love Mum

5. Kangatraining is Fun and Effective

''Kangatraining!! It’s a specifically designed postpartum workout for mums (and bubs) where you wear bubs in a carrier and get your own boogie on!

Sessions for me start with stretching and floor work helping with core and flexibility. We then do a few choreographed dances, leg and arm tracks and then finish with pelvic floor exercises.

The Mum tribe I have gained since joining have literally been a life saver! I was suffering from postpartum depression and anxiety and getting out exercising daily has helped me massively.'' -  Stephanie, Milk & Love Mum

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About the author

Jen Lang, Author

Jen is a people person and loves forming connections with like minded Mums. She has 3 children and loves spending time with them and filling their days with fun activities. Lots of outdoor play allowing them enjoy running free and doing all things kids love to do!. Read more about  Jen here.

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