6 tips for new mums to feel happier when they have a newborn baby

6 tips for new mums to feel happier when they have a newborn baby

Posted by Corryn Barakat on Feb 04, 2015

Most women report feelings of isolation when they become new mums. Hours that would have once been spent with other adults are replaced by hours spent caring for your newborn. Time that you might have spent in the evenings socialising are now spent trying to catch up on sleep. It’s a tough gig.

When you’re feeling tired and isolated it can be easy to feel as though you’re the only person in the world who is feeling this way. You don’t want to ‘come on too strong’ to new mum friends, and everyone else is at work.

The truth is, most new mums are feeling the same way, but we seem to have lost our ability to reach out to fellow mums with our authentic selves. There are too many judgements and worries getting in the way! If you’re feeling disconnected there are a few things you can try:

1.Call a friend! Nourishing friendships and taking some time out for a chat can lift your worries away and help you feel more connected with the outside world. If possible, organise for a face to face catch up too!

2.Organise Playdates: Either through Playgroup Australia or your local child health clinic, playdates are a fabulous way to meet other mums in your area. Getting out and meeting new mums is essential for feeling connected and refreshing your mental state. Just make sure you try a few different playgroups and stick it out for at least a couple of visits. You may find you gel with some groups more than others. Don’t be afraid to invite mums from your playgroups for one on one catch ups on the other days! Remember that having authentic conversations is really important – you feel heard, understood and happier.

3.For an instant pick me up, go for a walk and smile at everyone you pass. Getting outdoors and moving is a well known mood booster and smiling (even when you don’t feel like it) is also linked to feeling happier.

4. Turn on some music and dance! Even if you’re dancing with your baby in the living room, listening to upbeat music and getting your groove on is a great way to improve your mood. You may even find it helps your baby go to sleep if you’re bopping around holding her.

5.Give something to someone else. Giving to others is another surefire way to feel happier and more connected to others. Whether it’s baking an extra meal for a new mum, offering to babysit for another, or just giving a donation to your chosen charity, it’s a great way to feel good.

6.Do some meditation. Another great way to improve your mood and help you enjoy each moment more is incorporating some mindfulness meditation. I love the new Mind the Bump app from Beyond Blue – it’s an app filled with loads of easy meditations for new parents, and it’s great to have on your phone. If your baby is having a nap and you want to relax but can’t sleep? Try a meditation for instant relaxation.

If you’re feeling sad or down most of the time, and you’re having trouble feeling positive about anything, then I’d recommend calling Beyond Blue and talking to someone, or visiting your GP. Having a newborn is an amazing, difficult phase of life that passes all too quickly... Above all, take care of yourself gently, and remember that YOU are also going through a huge transformation and require care and empathy, much like your baby!

How did you feel when you had your first child? What tips can you share?